During the day, road studs are seen as white spheres resembling cat eyes. At night, the headlamp beams of cars reflect the studs and make them visible to drivers. The reflective spheres are fixed in a cast iron housing or a white rubber dome. Depending on the color, road studs mark different traffic lanes. Red studs indicate the left side of the motorway or carriageway, while yellow studs delineate the right-hand side.
Usually, they are installed between double yellow lines on the road. These devices are a vital tool for ensuring safety on the road. They serve as speed arrestors before junctions, flyovers, and other places where a vehicle must cross. They are a very useful tool in countryside areas, especially where street lighting is not available. In addition, they are a great help in guiding drivers to the correct lane.
Road studs are manufactured to be strong and durable. They are available in a wide range of colours, and are suitable for a variety of applications. They are also manufactured to provide high retroreflectivity. This means that light reflected from other light sources is reflected back with the same strength. This enables the driver to see the contours of the road. This is particularly useful in poor weather conditions and at night.
Reflective road studs are used to delineate a number of important traffic areas, including the central reserve of a two-lane highway. These studs are most commonly found on motorways. Other areas that use road studs include parking spaces and sports fields. They are also used to outline long private drives. They are a valuable safety device, as they are designed to prevent vehicles from straying onto soft grass verges. They are also used to warn motorists of the edge of a highway, including the deceleration boundary and the acceleration boundary. The type of studs that are most commonly used are yellow and red.